What I really liked about this project overall was how much my normal everyday life has so many overlapping noises compared to other lives around me. I think that there are times when life gets so overwhelming that all you can think about is yourself and that the moments that you experience both quiet or loud are only yours to experience. After listening to all of the others soundtracks I often found myself relating to a lot of their pieces. Sounds may affect others differently whether that be in a positive or negative manner. What I truly discovered from this project is that each individual is just another person going through life just as myself is. Now, in regards to my own piece after working on and listening to it so many times over, I thought that the noises that I used would then become distant to me outside of this project because of hearing them so often. What I did find however, was that now the noises are even more prominent. I had never talent the time out of my day to really listen to all of the background noise. Now that I have, I hear everything so much clearer. The cars passing, doors closing, and people chatting is even louder now. Maybe what I should take out of this project is not to be annoyed with these noises but that the fact of the matter is I am just a spec of millions that should take these sounds and connect them to the people around me. Maybe I should be a bit more empathetic to a door closing too loud as a sign that maybe that person is having a bad day, rather than the annoyance of just a door slamming.
