For my sound project I will be clipping together noises from my everyday routine. Noises that anger me, make me happy, or overall are just a part of my day. I want it to be like an “influencers vlog, a day in my life” but only with sounds. A couple years ago I took a hearing test for an Air Force test, it was in a little booth where every time I heard even the slightest pitch I would have to hit a button. What they found out about my ears is that they are “catlike” or very sensitive and pick up more noises. I later found out that I also have misophonia or the hatred of certain noises. Due to my hearing being so elevated some parts of my life have been affected. The number one issue I have with hearing so well is that I am the lightest sleeper ever, the single closing of a door, or talking in the room outside of my door can awake me out of the deepest sleep. Another issue I have with sounds is loud chewing and smacking of the mouth, it literally makes me go crazy, this is where the misophonia comes in. The way that a bad chewing sound makes me feel actually makes me feel physically sick. For this project I think it will be a test of my true ability to withstand certain triggering noises, I will want to document all of the things during my day that are a process, happy, stand out and may be a problem.
